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Monday, September 23, 2013

It's so SHINY!

 I'm not a girly girl.  Seriously - I own no makeup, don't understand the shoe obsession, and it's been 30+ years since I've been much into lace. Or pink. Or glittery.

Oh - but this makes my inner princess squeal.  Check out this Anodized Titanium Blade from Kershaw.

Can you believe it?  It's beautiful and imagine how smooth it must feel - all polished and such.

I've heard mixed reviews about titanium blades.  The range of metal quality means they could last and last or could wear quickly in the folding mechanism.  I like Kershaw blades, though, and have had good luck with even their lower priced items.

So a good serious blade with some brilliant color and a reasonable price.

(And it's really, really shiny!)

- Auntie Sash

Such a productive weekend!

My newly designed work station is a dream.  My sweetie did a great job and the queen-of-folding-&-organization made it a warm, cozy, functional space.

This weekend, I finished ALL the quilting on the man-child's girlfriend's quilt top.  I finished the piecing in time for her graduation in June but, as often happens, stalled out on the finish.  But NOW I've got all the quilting done, the basting tacks removed, and the binding cut and pressed.  I just need to square it up, add the binding & tags, and pass it on.  Phew.

Hmmm - I guess I should add "Take Pictures" to that list.

The other big progress was on the Craftsy Candy Squares Quilt. I'd cut most the pieces and started assembling the blocks, but by last night all fifty of the 9-patches were complete, pressed, and attached to an alternate block.  Next step - figure out the arrangement of those sub blocks and stitch it all together!

I also played with making little snap bags.  The sample turned out pretty well (I know, where's the picture?) and I think these will be fun to make for the holiday craft sale as well as for little gifts.

So a great weekend quilting and enough progress to have me itching to hit the sewing room tonight.

Keep your feet on the ground!

- Auntie Sash

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Just a place holder.

 A shot across the bow.  To break the ice.  Check the settings.  Mix the metaphors.