March was a blur of business and stress. My sweetie quit his job (after 27 years!). My work landed some big new projects. The ManChild started another term of school. Just a whole lotta life being lived.
Not a whole lotta quilting going on, however. In particular, my March "A Lovely Year of Finishes" wasn't.
At all.
Ah well.
I will keep working on getting MC's Carpenter's Star quilted but that's not my goal for April. I figured out that I can't really set a goal for creativity and inspiration. I can work on it, but I can't guarantee that I'll find a pattern I'll love or decide on a final design.
I CAN set a goal that's based on putting in the time and effort. That's something I can control - mostly.
My goal for April is to turn this:
Into a Broken Dishes quilt top. Sorta like this:
I needed a project that I can just sew on without plotting or planning. I had these great batiks from Connecting Threads and added some neutrals I had left from the Stonehenge line. I got a start on it this weekend, cutting a lot of the squares and sewing some of them to make the HST's. I think it will come together nicely.
So that's the plan for April's ALYoF2014. Click here to check out these other great project and goals for the month.