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Monday, February 2, 2015

Under my belt

Setting my goal for February I have 2 thoughts in mind.

1) Keep my hands, heart, and mind busy creating so I spend less time stressing, eating, & dithering.

2) Just keep creating - I'll get better!

Inspired by this video:

I'm going to stop worrying about designing the perfect quilt or finding the perfect fabric. I'm even trying to set aside the idea that I must make a quilt for everyone I know and that those quilts must be uniquely designed for them with lovely fabric only I would chose. Oy. It's no wonder I get STUCK and decide to fix a snack & watch quilting videos instead of sewing!!

So I'm going to SEW.


My goal for February is to complete a fun, simple quilt top from this layer cake:

Won't that be adorable?
Don't stress it.  Don't feel like I'm failing.  Just sew and create and have fun.

Then maybe the complex, creative, artistic, soul-stirring quilts will be able to bubble to the surface.

If not, I'll still be creating and having fun and DOING something.

So what's your February goal??
