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Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Important Discoveries!

The puppy is at the end of the post.  Scroll past the annoying words if you must. (I understand).

I've had TWO, yes TWO great finds recently.  OK - I couldn't really "discover" something that is created, advertised, & sold by other people.  But now I KNOW about them!  So it's like self-discovery... except I think that's another thing completely.

I should move on.

Image result for thing one and thing two


Trader Joe's Belgian Chocolate Pudding 

(You might wanna pick up 2)

Related imageBOOKS
New-to-me cozy series

The Sage Gardens Series by Cindy Bell 

(Read the 1st 5 in 3 days. Now reading book 6 of 12)


I didn't forget.
(He wouldn't let me!)
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Sunday, March 4, 2018

Colonel Mustard used a FOREIGN object & a Rope in the Ballroom

It feels like a stretch for FOREIGN to describe Britain, but I'm going for it.

For the prompt FOREIGN I'm using the 1st book from the Casual Christie Club: (which cover do you prefer? There are dozens more, if these don't suit you!)

Image result for mysterious affair at styles  Image result for mysterious affair at styles Image result for mysterious affair at styles
Image result for mysterious affair at styles Image result for mysterious affair at styles Image result for mysterious affair at styles Image result for mysterious affair at styles Image result for mysterious affair at styles  Image result for mysterious affair at styles
Image result for mysterious affair at styles Image result for mysterious affair at styles
Image result for mysterious affair at styles
Regardez!  La version française - maintenant, c'est plus éstranger!

    March Mystery Madness challenge #5 The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Dame Agatha Christie (#Iamnotworthy).

    This is the first of her books & we meet M.Poirot.  Club lead by my booktube crush, The Big-Haired Bookwork.  

    This is a reread but it's been decades.  
    (And is there a more yucky color than mustard?  I don't think so...)


    Saturday, March 3, 2018

    Professor Plum gave a(n) HISTORICAL lecture in the Study with a Candlestick

    There are so many great historical mysteries.  In fact, my selection for the SHELF challenge is set between the wars.

    Hmmm - I'll select an audiobook for this one.  One already loaded to my phone.

    For the prompt HISTORICAL I'm going with 

    Image result

      March Mystery Madness challenge #4 A Beautiful Poison by Lydia Kang.

      The setting is New York City (1918-1919) - just past the gilded age & right in the midst of the influenza epidemic.

      It seems funny that this "historical" piece is about the year my sweet daddy was born (1919).  I guess we all become history eventually, yeah?


      Friday, March 2, 2018

      Mrs Peacock concocted a NEW Poison in the Conservatory

      Never turning down the opportunity to purchase a book...

      Added another title to my #MarchMysteryMadness TBR: The prompt is NEW.

      I just happened to see, in the Wicked Wednesday newsletter, that a new book was released 2/27/2018.  It's in an established (but new to me) series.
      Sounds like a match!

      Challenge #3 for March Mystery Madness is I Know What You Bid Last Summer by Sherry Harris.

      (Is that Mrs Peacock's hat in the background there?)


      Thursday, March 1, 2018

      Mr Green hid the Lead Pipe on the SHELF in the Lbrary

      I know that there are full TBR lists out there for the #MarchMysteryMadness.

      I'm not that organized.

      But it is March 1st & I am starting today, so that's not bad!

      The prompt is SHELF.

      • I went to Goodreads, 
      • pulled up my shelf titled "To Be Read - on the Stacks" (meaning I own the book in some format), 
      • sorted by "date added" (oldest first), and 
      • selected the first mystery on that particular "shelf"

      Inline image 1

      First up for March Mystery Madness is Fine Spirits by Alice Duncan.
      It's been on my shelf since November 26, 2013.  Yeah.  2013.  I dunno why.  I really enjoyed the first book in this series.  When it comes to books I'm sorta like a kid with lots of toys.  I forget how excited I was about one as soon as another shiny book comes my way.

      But today is the day. 

      So what are YOU reading??


      The OTHER March Madness!!

      Mystery Madness

      Mystery Madness
      296 members
      2018 March Mystery Madness Challenge Group.

      The center of every mystery novel is a puzzle. A puzzle for the reader and sleuth to solve as one. Through a thread of events stretched into a 200+ page funhouse of mirrors. If you love puzzles and the deconstruction of peace in the face of chaos. Or have an appetite for "sleight of hand" narratives and misleading plots (add a stream of frustrating red herrings). Then you’re in the right place to share your delight in the mystery genre.

      View this group on Goodreads »

      What a PERFECT reading challenge, right??  I might have a couple mysteries on my TBR list (just a couple though).

      So grab a cozy or a true crime and join me!  There are groups on Goodreads & hashtags on Instagram & many videos on booktube.  

      Go Read!  (and watch out for those red herrings!)


      Thursday, February 8, 2018

      still counting

      I guess it's all about scale.  What was counted in days is now, by the attrition of time, counted in years.

      I wrote about the count First Here  &  Then Here.

      But yesterday wasn't 730.  It just became 2.

      We've had 2 Christmases.
      2 Father's Days.
      2 birthdays.
      2 Easters
      2 Lobster Fests.  
      I can't say I've handled all those 2s very well. 

      Harder to rally for the holidays without Dad here to focus our energies.  
      I haven't gone to Red Lobster again because, well, why would I?  
      Not even one trip to the produce stand for fresh berries & golden cherry tomatoes.

      After mom passed away, I carried her spirit bundle for one year.  I felt her so present during that time.  I didn't feel a need to carry a bundle for dad.  Mom was lost.  Dad was so solidly present and ready to go.  He didn't need my support while he found his way.

      I didn't really think about me needing his support.

      In most ways, I'm so like my mom.  Verbal, witty, crafty, plagued by depression & anxiety, way over involved at the church...

      But I'm so aware right now of my dad's influence.  Singing.  Nature.  Noticing rocks.  Loving wood.  An odd connection (ok - obsession) with knives & blades.  Quiet, fierce devotion to family.  We both like rare meat, stinky cheese, & black licorice (not served together though).

      I like to think I got strength from both of them.

      Got.  I wish it was "still get".   But I really don't feel them close.  I used to, with mom.  Not with dad.  There is just an ache.  An emptiness.  They just keep not being here.

      In a month, mom's number will be at 10. oops.  11.

      Numbers are usually comforting to me.  These just seem random & meaningless.  

      2 & 1011

      Infinity & zero.
