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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Fabric Haul...Halted

Tree of Life (that insists on appearing sideways)
After 3 false starts including a long, frustrating digression as I tried to create a clever Venn diagram, I'm officially abandoning this post.  Here's why:
Horse border

  • My phone has become arbitrary about photos.  Some work.  Some don't.  So crazy making.
  • Not a lot of folks read this thing.  And it's really likely that those who do were either with me when I bought the fabric, have been subjected to fabric show-and-tell already, or both (you know who you are).  The other 1-2 of you probably couldn't care less (Or I would have dragged you to the show with me)
  • Writing about the quilt show (where I also failed to take pictures) was dull as a spoon.  I can only imagine what reading that would have been like.
And of course, once that post died, its rotting carcass was just sitting there keeping me from posting anything else. 

So - in a nutshell - the Quilt Guru and I went to a show/sale at Expo center.  I found some treasures including a kit (I've never bought a kit before) that we dove into back at her place.
The Amazing kit that I bought.  This is one almost-finished block.  Gorgeous!
It was a great day and I was SO glad to be sewing with her again.

(And I did decide to throw in the fabric pictures that did work,  Even reruns are fun, right?)
Some nice blenders

Amazing African Prints


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