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Sunday, February 23, 2014

February Finish

Since moving to Oregon, I understand why February is so short.  All that grey & wet & grey - any more February & things could get ugly

Oh - we try to mix it up.  Throw in Valentine's Day & massive chocolate consumption.  I even have my anniversary to celebrate (23 years today, oh yeah.)  Sadly, this isn't the first year we toasted each other with shots of Robitussin.

So putting the finish to February is usually a bit of a relief.

                          My Button

     Lovely Year of Finishes
     saw THIS:

Become THIS:
There's a small bundle of non-cottons that I'll pass on to someone else & a baggie to hold scraps that will be given to the fire.  
ALL my tree cloth sorted & ready to use.  How amazing!!!  
PS I was so excited about the fabric that I did this sample piece:

And that turned out pretty cool, so I did this one:

Both are made from tree cloth using the Tequila Sunrise pattern I found here.
These maybe end up on pillow or I might make a mostly black quilt with a few of these swirling around in different sizes and colors.  Now I know I have a LOT of tree cloth to use!

Hmmm - what shall I finish up for March?  I have a few days to decide....


Friday, February 7, 2014

True Love

Inspired by my darling & brilliant niece (I have many nieces & nephews) I'm offering a few words on love.
    Tim Minchin (and hence NSFW!!!)

In the "almost too true to be funny" category 
I present:
Hank Green 

Watch those first. 
Fires at Midnight

Then, if you want a more serious idea of what I really think about love, check out this video & read the lyrics. 

To me, the most romantic song ever written. 

          Really.  (I don't joke about Jethro Tull.)  

The most difficult projects can be the most rewarding.  Be mindful of who you pick for your lab partner. Pull your own weight.  Pick up slack.  And laugh, even through tears and struggles.  It will be 23 years of marriage on the 23rd of this month.  I'm so frickin' lucky. 

Handsome guy & the sexiest brain I've ever met :)
- auntiesash

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Fan girl

There may come a time when I don't squeal with delight over a new album by Ian Anderson.

Actually, no.

There won't.

Ian Anderson’s ‘Homo Erraticus’to be released on 14th April
Click Here for Details

Can't WAIT!!!!


Monday, February 3, 2014

February is a little blah...

January's finish was down to the wire & a nice showy project.

Not all goals are that impressive but I think that I've picked a good one for February.

My Button 
 My February A Lovely Year Of Finishes is Processing My Tree Cloth!

(What - no fanfare?  No trumpets?  Just crickets.  I know.  Boring.  Practical.  But SO necessary! I need to get this done!)

Every summer, at Sundance, the people make prayer flags to hang up in the tree.  At the end of the dance, the tree comes down.  All the tobacco & other medicines go to the fire & the cloth is gathered to be used in special projects.  Not in ceremony - it's already carried prayers - but for bags & ribbon shirts & dresses & feather boards.  And, of course, for quilts.

I keep the fabric separated from the rest of my stash.  I love using the tree cloth for baby quilts & for giveaway blankets.  I also make two quilts every year to donate to the raffles we hold at the community meeting in March & at the dance in July.

I need to create a quilt by the end of March.  Before I can even start a design, I need to figure out what I have to work with.  So I need to sort, iron, and trim all the tree cloth.  I'm pretty sure I'm doing a strip pieced quilt, so I'll probably cut everything down to workable strips as I work my way through.  

Hopefully, I'll get to the design phase and maybe get some sewing done.  But for now, for my official goal, I need to get past the boring meditative, tedious relaxing task of ironing, trimming, and sorting.

So my goal for February is:
  • Iron tree cloth
  • Trim to usable shapes/ sizes
  • Sort out the colors

Not a very exciting goal but now that it's set, I'm kinda excited to be getting it done!

- sash