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Monday, May 26, 2014

Not even the last minute!!!

I set a pretty big goal for this month & it was totally done on time for the big party!

The lovely Colleen Petrina celebrated her 90th birthday at a gala event.

                | (That's my dad in the green 
                |  shirt right down here.  He was 
               \/  enjoying the refreshments.)

We had to leave before presents were opened but I have it on good authority (a text from my boss later in the day) that the guest of honor loved her new quilt.  

Well of COURSE she did!  Look at this Lovely thing!

Why do these pictures keep ending up sideways???

So this was my successful finish for May in A Lovely Year of Finishes.  This puts my record at 4 out of 5.  I'm pretty pleased with that.

If you want to see where this project started the month you can look here.

And here's a photo of the back in case you're interested (and to prove I really did get the thing quilted too!!)

Really?  This one ends up the right way??
I did pretty light quilting.  Partly because of timing.  Partly because it looked pretty and I was afraid I might screw that up.  I used spray basting for the first time ever & it worked well.  I knew I'd be quilting it immediately so there wasn't time for the adhesive to wear off. 

I also used a printable tape for the label.  Fits right in my little Brother label maker.
Not fancy but it looks ok & was quick

Now it's time to pick a project for June.  

Wow - June already?  

At least, if the year is going to fly by, A Lovely Year of Finishes is helping me have something to show for it!


Friday, May 9, 2014

Random Treasures

Unexpected finds on a cold, headachy day.

A package arrived from Melinda's Fabric Shop.
Oh yeah - They had some great batiks on sale the other day.

I was clearing out my temporary files (a perfect project for a blechy day when I can't concentrate on math).

Not many treasures in there.  Random bids & plans - a picture or two.  Then I found an article that my awesome KT wrote for the zoo volunteer newsletter.  I read it back then and I'm sure I kept a copy for the manchild's scrapbook, but I haven't look at it since then.

Too cool not to keep at hand.  Too cool not to share.  We'll file this under the "book" heading.

A genuine treasure - don't you think??

- sash

Saturday, May 3, 2014

It's MAY! It's MAY!

This is my boss, Joe:

He's a super nice guy. I've know him for over 20 years.  

We have a good work team & build beautiful homes.

He also has a swell dog who keeps me company at the office: 

When we were looking for an independent living situation for my dad (who celebrated HIS 95th birthday in March):

Joe told me about the place where his mom lives.  We checked it out, it's close to my house & it's in dad's budget.

So my dad became my boss's mom's downstairs neighbor.  They also became Wii bowling buddies & just sorta hit it off in general.

Well, Joe's mom is celebrating her 90th birthday this month!

So my May goal for A Lovely Year of Finishes is to turn this pile of Lovely Fabrics into a lap quilt in time for her birthday.

See - it actually is called "Lovely"!

These Lovely Charms plus this background fabric from Northcott will become an XOXO quilt (Jacobs Ladder blocks).  

 Like this.

  Or this.

  Or some other setting I'll figure out when some blocks exist.

  With a border maybe.

Or not.

And to give equal airtime to MY sweet doggess, here's Sparki!  (Yeah - I need to vacuum the sewing room.)

Happy New Year!

- sash