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Monday, July 28, 2014

Count on me!

Who would have suspected that the Math Babe would get tripped up by counting?  
(Answer? Anyone who knits!)

I finished my scarf - and here it is:
I made a SCARF!
Not bad, right?  I mean - clearly scarf-like, reasonably even, no major holes or gaps - so I'm pretty pleased.

OK - it's not exactly like this picture I was aiming for when I set my ALYoF goal for July (link here):

Notice the nice diagonal lines all running parallel the length of the scarf?  

And on mine...not so much?  

There's that pesky counting issue.  

I started off a little sketchy (right hand side of the picture above).  I did start to get the hang of it but, somehow I lost count again, and the diagonally changed directions.

I paid more attention and got more practice and even figured out how that happened, so the rest of the scarf I would do 3 repeats of the pattern and then deliberately put in an extra row to change the direction.  That made the accidental turn look intentional.
Well - Semi-intentional
Here - a handsome male model stepped up to really show off my handiwork:
L'ours, il adore son écharpe!

A successful completion for my Lovely Year of Finishes.  

Also a GREAT learning experience 
(& not a bad 2nd knitting project!)

Now back to for my next adventure....


Monday, July 7, 2014

Road Trip!!!

I'm SUPER excited to be heading "home" to Montana at the end of this week.  The trip will be part solo, part old-home week, & I'm looking forward to miles upon miles of Harry Potter on audiobooks and handiwork in my lap.

I'm going here:

To watch this:     Missoula Marathon!!  

And wade in this:

And, in general, be out of pocket, offline, & on vacation for a full WEEK!!!

I have some paper piecing I'm going to work on but mostly I'm going to work on my knitting.  

Yeah.  I said knitting.  Yep - I'm learning to knit!  

I've finished one little piece (except for the blocking - it's too HOT to turn on the iron).  

 I've played with some other yarns.  Now I'm ready to tackle this scarf:

(I think)
The nice people over at said it was a beginner piece & I understood all the markings on the instructions.  We'll see if my powers of concentration can last through an entire scarf & make an actual,recognizable pattern appear.

And that will be my project for A Lovely Year of Finishes for July.  We'll see how it goes with a non-quilting finish.  Fingers crossed that it will look just like the photo (except in some festive bright color).

Now 4 more days until I hit the road.  WoooHOO!!
