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Monday, February 2, 2015

Under my belt

Setting my goal for February I have 2 thoughts in mind.

1) Keep my hands, heart, and mind busy creating so I spend less time stressing, eating, & dithering.

2) Just keep creating - I'll get better!

Inspired by this video:

I'm going to stop worrying about designing the perfect quilt or finding the perfect fabric. I'm even trying to set aside the idea that I must make a quilt for everyone I know and that those quilts must be uniquely designed for them with lovely fabric only I would chose. Oy. It's no wonder I get STUCK and decide to fix a snack & watch quilting videos instead of sewing!!

So I'm going to SEW.


My goal for February is to complete a fun, simple quilt top from this layer cake:

Won't that be adorable?
Don't stress it.  Don't feel like I'm failing.  Just sew and create and have fun.

Then maybe the complex, creative, artistic, soul-stirring quilts will be able to bubble to the surface.

If not, I'll still be creating and having fun and DOING something.

So what's your February goal??



  1. Great idea!! I also happen to like fairly simple quilts anyway. I admire the craftsmanship of the fancier quilts but am often drawn to simple squares or strips!! :) Have fun with your February goal!

  2. Such true statements. The more we do the better we get and there is no point trying for perfection and comparing ourselves to everyone else...I think many of us struggle with these issues. Have fun with your lovely simple quilt.

  3. Stressfree sewing is great! Relax and have fun! I lovethe fabric you are using!
